4th Research Data Network - University of York - June 2017
4th Research Data Network workshop hosted by University of York
Date and Venue
Venue: University of York
The Ron Cooke Hub
YO10 5GE
Date: 27th and 28th June 2017

Registration is now closed.
Time |
Exhibition Room (ground floor) |
Lakehouse |
RCH/017 |
Seminar room (floor 1) |
Day 1 |
27 June |
10:30 |
Registration/Coffee |
11:00 |
Lecture Theatre: Welcome and Introduction |
11:10 |
Lecture Theatre: Keynote - Who will use the open data? |
11:40 |
Comfort break |
11:50 | HESA data, describing research activity and #REF2021 |
Archivematica for research data: from proof of concept to production |
Introducing the European Open Science Cloud
Space available for further small discussion, demos and side meetings |
12:35 |
Lunch |
13:15 |
Lecture Theatre: Jisc Research Data Shared Service update |
13:45 |
Research data solutions from SURF and DANS |
From Box to Hydra via Archivematica: turning proof-of-concept into reality |
A discovery service for UK research data
What I wish I’d known at the start! Lessons learned the hard way when setting up RDM services |
14:30 |
RDM service development using RISE |
Jisc Tiered Storage Service - Proposition and Status
A post doc in the library? |
Space available for further small discussion, demos and side meetings |
15:15 |
Comfort break |
15:30 |
Lecture Theatre: Lightning talks |
16:10 |
Queen Bee: let's solve some problems! |
17:00 |
Drinks reception and message from William Kilbride, DPC |
Day 2 |
28 June |
9:30 |
Registration/Coffee |
10:00 |
Lecture Theatre: Research data business case and costing process |
11:00 |
Comfort break |
11:15 | What about DMP? |
Researcher engagement resources: a demonstration |
Addressing the need for UK researchers to use and share sensitive data safely and securely
Space available for further small discussion, demos and side meetings |
12:00 |
Lunch |
13:00 |
Recognising data sharing |
13:30 |
FAIR in Practice, a reality check - expert panel |
Unlocking the value of data mining and machine learning for RDM |
RDSS pilots: Figshare implementation at Middlesex, ORCiD implementation at Lincoln
Space available for further small discussion, demos and side meetings |
14:15 |
Comfort break |
14:25 |
Translating Research Data Alliance global to the UK |
14:50 |
The Open Research Pilot project and other cases for Open Research |
15:30 |
Lecture Theatre: Closing remarks |
Sessions and slides
27 June
Welcome from Catherine Grout and local host Kate Giles, associate Dean for Research, York University
Who will use the open data?
Mark Humphries, Manchester University
The goal of open data sharing is a noble exercise, not least in providing access to data from experiments that have been paid for the taxpayer. But in basic science it is not clear who that data is for: who will use the open data? I will discuss the problems of a research culture that prioritises the generation of new data over the use of existing data, and propose a future where research teams can be built around the guaranteed availability of open data.
HESA data, describing research activity and #REF2021
Dan Cook, Head of Data Policy & Development at HESA
An update on the work Hesa is doing in relation to research data, especially in the context of the forthcoming REF.
Archivematica for research data: from proof of concept to production
Jenny Mitcham, University of York
In the Jisc-funded Filling the Digital Preservation Gap project the Universities of York and Hull investigated the use of Archivematica for the preservation of research data. Work in the third and final phase of the project led to the creation of a proof of concept implementation of Archivematica, integrated with other systems for deposit and access to research data. Post project, work has continued at the University of York to move this proof of concept implementation into production. This presentation will describe some of the work we have been carrying out to get us there. We will share some observations from our ongoing testing of the implementation as well as challenges and lessons learnt.
From Box to Hydra via Archivematica: turning proof-of-concept into reality
Chris Awre, Hull University
The University of Hull took part in the Jisc Research Data Spring initiative in 2015-16, as part of the Filling the Digital Preservation Gap project led by the University of York. We are turning our proof-of-concept from the project into reality for two purposes: the original research data preservation use case and also the preservation of digital artefacts from the City of Culture – creating a data resource to support research as much as preserve a record of the year. Whilst both York and Hull are working with Hydra and Archivematica, Hull additionally explored Box as the original source of content that needed to be processed for preservation, and this presentation will consider the value of this approach for both use cases.
What I wish I’d known at the start! Lessons learned the hard way when setting up RDM services
Stephen Grace, London South Bank University, Sarah Jones, DCC
This workshop is designed for those that are just starting to set up research data services within their institutions. The speakers will share lessons from their experience.
RDM service development using RISE
Jonathan Rans, DCC, & David Young, University of Northumbria
The process of designing holistic RDM support services benefits from the input of a variety of disparate sources and can easily become mired in excessive detail. To address these issues the DCC has developed the Research Infrastructure Self-Evaluation framework (RISE), a tool designed to facilitate collaborative RDM service development. Jonathan Rans (DCC) will introduce the aims, design and current applications of the framework before David Young (UoN) presents the University of Northumbria’s experience applying RISE to inform repository platform selection.’
Northumbria University
Research data solutions from SURF and DANS
Ingrid Dillo, DANS, Ingeborg Verheul, SURF
Research Data Management is high on the agenda of the universities and research institutions in the Netherlands. Since the Netherlands is such a small country, the focus is always within an international perspective. DANS and SURF are two leading organistions in data archiving and RDM (policy)development and support.
The presentation focuses on recent RDM activities at national and international level, in which both DANS and SURF play an important role.
A post doc in the library?
Alice Motes, University of Surrey
The US based Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) takes recent PhD graduates and places them in post-doctoral fellowships hosted by academic libraries and cultural institutions. Host institutions define projects or needs in the areas of research data management and digital humanities for the fellows to work on. This session will cover how the CLIR postdoctoral program functions, some examples of what their post docs get up to during their fellowships, and how this connects to some of the UK’s RDM activities of bringing researcher’s perspectives into RDM service development, such as Cambridge’s data champions.
Introducing the European Open Science Cloud
Matthew Dovey, Rachel Bruce, Jisc, and Juan Bicarregui, STFC
Introducing the European Open Science Cloud. Joint presentation and discussion.
Jisc Tiered Storage Service - Proposition and Status
Matthew Dovey, Jisc
Based on demand from the Jisc Shared Data Centres' tenants, Jisc Tiered Storage is a service proposal to provide a nationally managed tiered storage solution across relevant storage providers utilising the Janet network and existing cloud storage partnerships available both within the Jisc Share Data Centres and to institutional data centres. The Jisc Tiered Storage Service would offer a single point of access to storage across multiple providers. A Hierarchical Storage Manager (HSM) would automatically move copies of data between different storage providers depending on user specified criteria.
Update on the Jisc research data shared service
Rachel Bruce, John Kaye, Jisc
Rachel and John will provide an update on the Jisc research data shared service, where are we now, how the testing platform is working, what are the pilots up to, and how to get involved if you are not a pilot.
A discovery service for UK research data
Christopher Brown, Jisc
A demonstration of the UK research data discovery service, which is providing an aggregation of research data from universities and national subject based data centres, so that UK research data can be discovered. Prior to the demo there will be a short presentation on the work of the latest phase of the project to incorporate metadata from other UK HEIs and produce a functional service that satisfies the needs of our users.
Lightning talks
Chair: Christopher Brown
A MAXIMUM of 5 minutes for each presentation. Slides are optional.
An Archivist in an RDM world
Adam Harwood, University of Sussex
Hydra to Samvera
Chris Awre, University of Hull
Open Research Leeds (@OpenResLeeds): Networks, metrics and #openresearch
Nick Sheppard, University of Leeds
Persistent Identification and the THOR project (https://project-thor.eu/)
Angela Dappert, British Library
Shared North Data Centre Service (https://www.jisc.ac.uk/shared-data-centre)
Charlie Holden (AQL)
[Presented without slides]
Monitoring institutional compliance with funder RDM policy
Andrew MacLellan, University of Strathclyde
I want to know what data is….
William Kilbride, Digital Preservation Coalition
[Presented without slides]
28 June
RDSS pilots: Figshare implementation at Middlesex, ORCiD implementation at Lincoln
Bev Jones, Lincoln University, Vimal Shah, Middlesex University
Bev will discuss the implementation of ORCID at Lincoln University, what they are still elarning about the scope of projects and levels of engagement. Bev will then follow up with the implemention of figshare at Middlesex University and a report on user engagemenet activity around the whole RDSS project.
[no slides]
Unlocking the value of data mining and machine learning for RDM
Tom Parsons, Spotlight Data
This workshop session considers how technology can be used to find valuable documents, experts and data across an organisation. Participants will learn about text and data mining, discuss how it can be applied to RDM and explore the future of machine learning. The interactive session will include activities and a practical demonstration of a text mining system being deployed within the UK Government.
What about DMPs?
Sarah Jones, DCC & Rachel Bruce, Jisc
Data Management Plans are a common requirement in the UK and many universities already provide a range of support in this area. Nonetheless, there’s a lot of scope for improvement, particularly by making DMPs public, machine-actionable documents that connect with other research systems. Sarah Jones will kick-off the session with an update on the DCC collaboration with UC3, recent additions and improvements to the DMPonline codebase, and the future roadmap. Rachel Bruce will then reflect on the DMP requirement gathering work conducted with the Jisc shared service pilots, seeking feedback on the gaps and needs identified. After the two short overviews, the session will focus on community discussion to provide input on plans and help shape future directions for DMP services.
Rachel Bruce:
The Open Research Pilot project and other cases for Open Research
David Carr (Wellcome Trust), Tim Fulton & Lauren Cadwallader (Cambridge University), Jennifer Harris (Birbeck), chair: Marta Teperek (Cambridge University)
Why Open Research? During this panel discussion you will hear from two researchers from different disciplines (and Universities), from an Open Access Adviser at the University of Cambridge and from the Wellcome Trust about their motivations for Open Research and also about the remaining barriers. The session will be interactive and questions for the panel can be added at slido.com: #OpenResearch
[no slides]
FAIR in practice expert panel
Ingrid Dillo, DANS, Ingeborg Verheul, SURF
FAIR principles have become widely cited as an aspiration for research, and many policy documents quote FAIR practice as a requirement for research to be transparent, to ensure integrity, and enable maximum re-use. In this session experts will shine more light on the adoption of FAIR principles in research practice. What’s FAIR all about? Where and how are the FAIR principles used? What does it bring and at what cost? Experts will share and exchange experience from actual practice, address discipline-specific aspects and comment on preliminary findings of a Jisc study on FAIR, starting in May.
[no slides]
Recognising data sharing
Chris Keene, Jisc, Iain Hyrnaskiewicz, Springer
This session will examine the way publishers, funders and others are working via policymaking and workflow development to support Data Citation. It will cover the work of the Data Citation Implementation Project, the RDA Standardising Data Policies IG, and developments at Springer Nature.
Research data business case and costing process
Paul Stokes, Jisc, Andrea Chiarelli and Rob Johnson, Research Consulting
So what’s been happening in the world of business cases and costing for Research data Management? Quite a lot! In this session we will be presenting the latest outputs and resources from the Business Case and Coating for Research Data Management project as well as presenting an overview of the processes involved when using these resources to make a case.
Addressing the need for UK researchers to use and share sensitive data safely and securely
Frances Burton, Jisc
Working with lead universities involved in research Jisc has developed a secure infrastructure for the sharing of sensitive data securely and safely. The service provides encrypted tunnels over any existing network, including Janet or the Internet and keeps the different overlay networks separate so that we can provide different levels of protection to match different customers’ requirements. This fully managed service provides a high assurance network built to CESG standards.
Translating Research Data Alliance global to the UK
Rachel Bruce, Christopher Brown, Jisc
An overview of the Research Data Alliance and how the work of the RDA applies to relevant work in the UK, including RDM in universities
Researcher engagement resources: a demonstration
Rosie Higman, University of Cambridge/Manchester, Hardy Schwamm, Lancaster University
Persuadingresearchers of the benefits and importance of RDM can be a tricky task and different approaches work better with some groups than with others. In this practical session we will look at the resources created by the Data Championsat the University of Cambridge andat the Data Conversations events atLancaster University.The resources from the Data Champions have been created by researchers or support staff who are embedded in departments, and so have been tailored to meet local needs. The Data Conversations are mainly lightning talks by researchers to facilitate interdisciplinary exchange about use of research data. They are summarised in blog posts and communicated via social media. There will be an opportunity to look at the resources, discuss the pros and cons, and how these might be adapted for other settings.
Demo Time Demo Title Lead
27 June
12:10 DataVault Mary McDerby
13:45 DropBox Paul Grist
14:05 DMA online Hardy Schwamm, Stephen Robinson
14:30 Data2Paper demo Neil Jefferies
14:50 Archivematica preservation solution Peter Van Garderen, Kelly Stewart and Matthew Addis
15:30 Hydra (Cottage Labs) Owen Stephens and Martyn Whitwell
28 June
10:30 Clipper John Casey
11:15 Zegami Greg LeRoux
11:35 Ex Libris/Rosetta Adi Alter
13:30 Haplo Ben Summers
13:50 Figshare Natasha Punia
•Deliveries will be accepted from Friday 23- Monday 26 June. Please clearly label these with the event name, Jisc and with your name on for collection and send to the address below.
•Your posters will be affixed to poster boards on Tuesday morning to be and on display in the Atrium area from lunch time onwards.
Jisc Research Data Network Event
KX51882 - 27th & 28th June
York Conferences
Ron Cooke Hub
Deramore Lane
University of York
YO10 5GE
You can also let us know what went well and what didn't in the last event here.
During the two days, we have a number of people that will be taking notes; but feel free to follow and contribute:
Room 1 & Auditorium: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tlMH9ialmPteSsWJJEBtnFONLzdaXlAQyheKQFy4ek8/edit?usp=sharing
Room 2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tnay5I0cVr-gwUd4Z0mA340rnyOUgrfi5R49sOFsXAc/edit?usp=sharing
Room 3: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Da12jVhJiyQsUpHsYBq6iYFAdIchE0cIJCVwHzSEfvA/edit?usp=sharing
Room 4: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ARNFaY-BG5cEfOeDqN-teNid3Yp8JdaMIiKOnhrp2ko/edit?usp=sharing
Lake Pod Demos: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14HdyIpxu6XPZuxox4iV6fBjNKCxowaxC8PvTpX4Lkok/edit?usp=sharing
More details: accomodation & travel
We suggest staying in a York city centre location during the event.
For further information regarding recommended Hotels in York, please see the York Visitor Information website
Accommodation is also available onsite at the University (a 15 minute walk from the Ron Cooke Hub Conference Centre).
For more information and to book directly, please visit the York Conference website.
The Ron Cooke Hub is in the Heslington East area of the University of York campus, and a 15 minute journey from the City Centre. The Hub is easily accessible by public transport (a taxi pick-up point and the bus stop are both located next to the building).
Rail Station Transfers:
We are providing transfers from York Rail Station to the Ron Cooke Hub Conference Centre at 10:00 on Tuesday 27 June.
Following the close of the event we are also providing a transfer from the Ron Cooke Hub back to York Rail Station at 15:40 on Wednesday 28 June.
Transfers are available to all those who have requested a transfer place during registration. Spaces are limited and available on a first come first served basis.
If you would like to reserve a space or wish to cancel your arrangement, please email [email protected]
No. 66 Bus:
The 66 Bus (every 15-20 mins) serves the route between York City Centre & the Ron Cooke Hub, stopping at the below city centre bus stops:
Victoria Bar
York Rail Station
Rougier Street
St Denys' Road
Dixon Lane
The Barbican
Ron Cooke Hub
The bus journey will take around 15 minutes between the City Centre to the Ron Cooke Hub.
Should you wish to arrange a taxi please call Streamline directly on 01904 656565.
If you are travelling by car you can find all details and directions here
For SatNavs please use postcode YO19 5LA and follow signs to park in the Field Lane Car Park or Kimberlow Lane Car Park which are close to the Ron Cooke Hub.
Hotels around York City Centre:
Hilton York
Travelodge York
Novotel York
Middletons Hotel
Hotel Indigo York
Best Western Monkbar Hotel
Hotel du Vin & Bistro
Premier Inn York City Centre
Ramada Hotel Encore
The Queens Hotel
The Grand Hotel & Spa York
The Principal York
Minster Hotel York
Updated over 7 years ago