As many have found out in recent months (if not years), resources to support making the case for research data management are thin on the ground. We have started a collection here, some of which we have produced ourselves and some of which have been suggested by others. If you're aware of any resources not listed below please login and suggest an edit. Alternatively, contact
These resources are all being made available under a CC BY 4.0 licence unless otherwise stated.
Publications - general
High Level Business Case - published by Jisc
Case studies
Case Studies - published by Jisc
Individual Case studies - published byJisc
#dataimpact eBook - published by Australian national data service (ands)
Tool kits
cessda Cost-Benefit Advocacy Toolkit - Published by the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives
LEARN Project Research Data Management Toolkit - Published by the LEARN Project
RISE, Research Infrastructure Self Evaluation Framework - Published by DCC
Slide decks
Slide deck: Research Data Management: The Numbers
Slide deck: The case for Research Data Management
Updated over 7 years ago