Videos highlighting the positive benefits of Research Data Management
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3 minute 04 second video - Talking head interviews. Featuring (in order of appearance): Carole Goble - Professor of Computer Science, University of Manchester Florian Markowetz - Senior Group Leader, Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, Cambridge University Gareth Cole - Research data Manager, Loughborough University Nicole Janz - Research Methods Associate, Cambridge University Tony Hey - Chief Data Scientist, Science and Technology Facilities Council

3 minute 10 second video - Talking head interviews. Featuring (in order of appearance): Carole Goble - Professor of Computer Science, University of Manchester Gareth Cole - Research data Manager, Loughborough University Derek McAuley - Professor of Digital Economy, University of Nottingham and Director, Horizon Research Institute John Ainsworth - Professor of Health Informatics, University of Manchester

3 minute 07 second video - Talking head interviews. Featuring (in order of appearance): Carole Goble - Professor of Computer Science, University of Manchester Nicole Janz - Research Methods Associate, Cambridge University Gareth Cole - Research data Manager, Loughborough University Florian Markowetz - Senior Group Leader, Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, Cambridge University Tony Hey - Chief Data Scientist, Science and Technology Facilities Council John Ainsworth - Professor of Health Informatics, University of Manchester Derek McAuley - Professor of Digital Economy, University of Nottingham and Director, Horizon Research Institute Mazhar Hussain - Director, Imperial Business Analytics with KPMG William Spooner - Chief Science Officer, Eagle Genomics

3 minute 30 second video - Talking head interviews. Featuring (in order of appearance): Tony Hey - Chief Data Scientist, Science and Technology Facilities Council Derek McAuley - Professor of Digital Economy, University of Nottingham and Director, Horizon Research Institute Carole Goble - Professor of Computer Science, University of Manchester William Spooner - Chief Science Officer, Eagle Genomics

3 minute 04 second video - Talking head interviews. Featuring (in order of appearance): Mazhar Hussain - Director, Imperial Business Analytics with KPMG William Spooner - Chief Science Officer, Eagle Genomics Derek McAuley - Professor of Digital Economy, University of Nottingham and Director, Horizon Research Institute Tony Hey - Chief Data Scientist, Science and Technology Facilities Council
Updated over 7 years ago