Institutional policies
List of Data Policies available on the DCC website
For an extensive list of data policies please view the Digital Curation Centre (DCC) web resource.
A detailed spreadsheet evaluating individual policies is also available:
Horton, L and DCC (2014) 'Overview of UK Institution RDM Policies', Digital Curation Centre. Available at: http://www.dcc.ac.uk/resources/policy-and-legal/institutional-data-policies
Horton, L. (2016) UK Higher Education Institution Research Data Management Policies, 2009-2016. [data collection]. UK Data Service. SN: 852487, http://doi.org/10.5255/UKDA-SN-852487
Journal Policies
There are a wide variety of organisations and studies with an interest in Journal data policies and their impact on research data management practices. Links to policies, resources and articles from some of these are below.
- The Research Data Alliance is aiming to form a working group of multiple stakeholders (publishers, institutions, repositories, societies, funders) by September 2017, specifically focusing on journals and publishing, with a goal of harmonising and standardising journal policies.
- Current work being undertaken by Jisc is described in this blog post.
- Jan Hoeffler (University of Goettingen) recently presented to the 2017 American Economic Association Annual Meeting on 'Replication and Economics Journal Policies'
- Springer Nature is implementing a standardised research data policy framework. It is proposing four standard data policy types, each with a defined set of requirements, for adoption across its journals.
- Staff at the University of Rochester (2015) assessed compliance to journal policies to identify where support from the library might be be most effective..
- The Transparency and Openness Guidelines (2015) offer a comprehensive list of policy templates for journals and funders.
- The University of Toronto explored institutional RDM practice through compliance with journal data policies. (2015)
- The American Political Science Association has published a Joint Statement by Political Science Journal Editors regarding greater data access and research transparency.
- European Data Watch Extended (EDaWaX) analysed the data policies of journals in economics and business administration in 2014.
- The JoRD (Journal Research Data Policy Bank) project conducted a feasibility study into a sustainable service that could collate and summarise journal policies on Research Data. This project ended in 2013.
Published articles
- Naughton, L. & Kernohan, D., (2016). Making sense of journal research data policies. Insights. 29(1), pp.84–89.
- Vlaeminck, Sven; Herrmann, Lisa-Kristin (2015) : Data Policies and Data Archives: A New Paradigm for Academic Publishing in Economic Sciences?, In: Schmidt, Birgit; Dobreva, Milena (Ed.): New Avenues for Electronic Publishing in the Age of Infinite Collections and Citizen Science. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Electronic Publishing, IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 145-155, ISBN978-1-61499-561-6 (print) | 978-1-61499-562-3 (online)
- Vlaeminck, Sven (2013) : Data Management in Scholarly Journals and Possible Roles for Libraries - Some Insights from EDaWaX, LIBER Quarterly, ISSN 2213-056X, Vol. 23, Iss. 1, pp. 49-79
Funder policies
Sherpa Juliet
A searchable list of funder's Open Access Policies can be found on the Sherpa Juliet web site
The policies are presented in a clear standardised format - see here for an example - with links back to the original information sources.
The site is updated through community contributions .
Updated about 7 years ago