2nd Research Data Network - Cambridge University - September 2016
Following on from the success of the last Research Data Network event at Cardiff University earlier this year we held the second event in this quarterly series at the University of Cambridge on the 6th of September.
The Research Data Network is designed to be a people network offering participants a place to demonstrate practical research data management implementations and to discuss current issues relating to research data in institutions. The event is aimed at anyone interested in research data management including research data management practitioners, institutional staff who are investigating the implementation of research data management systems, as well as system suppliers and developers who are working with universities on research data management. It’s also worth noting that you don’t have to be demonstrating something to attend. Those who want to network and observe only are welcome.
We are very pleased that Dr Danny Kingsley, Head of Scholarly Communication at the University of Cambridge will give a keynote.
Date and Venue
The workshop was held at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge and ran from 10am to 5pm on Tuesday 6th September. There is no charge for attending this event.
Registration is now closed.
The agenda for Research Data Network events are created based on topics that people in the sector propose, and we also dedicate some time to Jisc developments, in particular the Research Data Shared Service.
If you would like to contribute to the next workshop or have an idea for a demonstration or a discussion topic, please can you email Paul Stokes paul.stokes@jisc.ac.uk and Daniela Duca daniela.duca@jisc.ac.uk, or -
Submit your ideas:
You can also submit your ideas here.
Agenda and notes:
You can find the agenda and a series of notes from each of the sessions on this google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p4FurQqHeGfDODpWqwOSpPykTa0uG0GPsMokXnCmsyw/edit
* 1. Implementing figshare and engaging researchers (Georgina Parsons, Cranfield University & Megan Hardeman, figshare)
Cranfield University appointed a Research Data Manager in August 2015 and implemented figshare in April 2016. With a simple system solution in place, the key focus of ongoing RDM work is around researcher engagement. This session gives a background and overview to the implementation process, and then concentrates on engagement activities (successes and failings). Approaches range across: outreach through a variety of digital channels, integrating with other systems and service units; direct outreach within researcher space; almost-mandatory staff training; and mandating data management plans from doctoral students. It also discusses Cranfield’s appointment of local champions in each school, to help embed awareness of RDM locally and to ensure input into service developments.
* 2. How to successfully engage with researchers? Tips and tricks from Cambridge (Marta Teperek, Cambridge University)
Since January 2015 we have spoken with over 1,800 researchers and students about managing and sharing their research data. Our initial approach was far from good – we had been focusing our discussions with researchers on compliance with funders’ policies on data sharing. Not surprisingly, the “stick” was not a good incentive. We have since completely revisited our approach. As a result, we now have a thriving community of researchers, contributing to active discussions about data sharing. During this talk we will share with you all the tips and tricks that helped us build this community. This will also be an excellent opportunity to share good practice from other institutions.
* 3. Research data shared service discussion for non-pilots: expectations, questions, concerns (Max Hammond, Rachel Bruce)
Following the update from John Kaye on the research data shared service, this session will focus on your views and feedback. It will be an opportunity for non-pilot institutions in particular to ask questions and make suggestions or comments on the work that has been done. The key aims of the session will be to clarify questions on content, gather initial feedback and comments, and finally understand how Jisc can work with you to make the service better.
* 4. Data Citation update (David Kernohan, Jisc)
In this session we will update attendees on our work on data download metrics and data citation metrics. We’ll briefly demonstrate the IRUS for data download service, which is already working with 15 test centres around the UK and integrates with figshare and PURE.
* 5. Using SharePoint for a data management system (Wayne Peters, KCL)
May 2016 saw the launch of the first version of King’s College London’s Research Data Management System. The system has been developed to support the curation of the university’s research data outputs and support research collaborations. Release one of the system provides long term storage for datasets that support research publications and/or are ready for archiving, issues DOIs for datasets deposited within the system, publishes metadata records to increase public discoverability and impact and - where appropriate - allows others to access and reuse datasets we hold. We can also publish metadata records for datasets held outside of the university. This presentation will provide a brief overview of the project's development and background, a demonstration of the current system’s functionality, and an assessment of the challenges we face going forward as we plan for future iterations.
* 6. Safe handling of linked public data sets for research at Grampian Safe Haven (Ms Katie Wilde, Research Applications Manager, University of Aberdeen.)
In 2011 the Scottish Health Informatics Programme Blueprint for Health Records Research in Scotland set out the key principles which formed the basis of a national consultation on how Scotland best supports the use of health, and data from other sectors, for research and statistical purposes, including health surveillance and the census. Following this consultation, dedicated Safe Havens were set up across five sites in Scotland, one of these being the Grampian Safe Haven (DaSH). The presentation will explore how we implemented this project and provide a discussion on how we decrease the risk to patient confidentiality whilst increasing the opportunities for linkage research through enabling, in the context of unconsented linked data
- Safe Settings
- Safe Projects
- Safe People
- Safe Outputs
The presentation will conclude by summarising the practicalities and lessons learned in implementing DaSH over the past 3 years and explore where we go next.
* 7. Online research database service demo (Kris Popat, CETIS LLP)
The Online Research Database Service (ORDS) is an online relational database system for researchers. It offers secure database hosting, sharing, and editing interfaces. Kris Popat will demo the database and talk through the new service model they have developed for HE and FE across the UK.
* 8. Making video and audio as easy to work with as text (John Casey, Glasgow College)
In this session, John Casey will demonstrate Clipper, a tool that he developed with his team to enable researchers to easily annotate, clip, cite, reference and quote online audio-visual resources. John will also discuss and describe how Clipper can play a role in raising the impact factor of research. The software kit will be released this as an open source kit for community adoption by the end of this year.
* 9. Gold Silver Bronze – expectations, standards and thresholds and in research data metadata (Dom Fripp, Jisc & Nicky Ferguson, Clax)
This session will take a look at recent work developing a core metadata profile for the research data shared service and the implementation of thresholds for completeness to drive metadata quality. Up to this will be held testimony and insight gathered from metadata focus groups with researchers from pilot institutions to see where expectations about quality and completeness might succeed or fail.
* 10. Update on research data policies for journals (David Kernohan, Jisc)
In this session we’ll briefly go over our progress made around the journal research data policies since the last research data network event. We will discuss how we plan to support publishers and journals in developing clear and comparable policies which can easily be incorporated into a potential future registry and go over the templates and guidance proposed.
* 11. Understanding researchers’ needs: 2016 DAF survey findings (Rob Johnson, Research Consulting)
In July and August this year, more than 1,000 researchers across six of the RDSS pilot institutions contributed to a revised Data Assessment Framework (DAF) survey. This session will share the key findings and insights arising from this work, including:
• researchers’ current practice in data management
• typical storage locations
• preservation requirements
• expectations of institutional support services.
We will explore how researchers’ RDM needs vary by institution, discipline and career stage, and highlight the greatest barriers to adoption of RDM. The session will also summarise the lessons learned by the six institutions running the survey, and tips and tricks for completing a successful DAF audit. Finally, we will be seeking your input and suggestions for a forthcoming DAF toolkit, due for release later in 2016.
* 12. Preservation requirements for the shared service (John Kaye), and Implementing Archivematica for research data preservation at York and Hull (Jenny Mitcham, University of York).
This session will follow the update on the research data shared service. In the first part of this session, John Kaye will go a bit further and discuss the preservation requirements for the research data shared service that have been developed together with the pilot institutions. In the second part of the session, Jenny Mitcham will talk about experiences with establishing proof of concept implementations of Archivematica through the Filling the Digital Preservation Gap project and the challenges of preserving research data for the long term. The preservation requirements for the shared service have been based on the work that the team at York and Hull carried out in phase 1 of their project.
* 13. RDM costs from cradle to grave: how are you coping? discussion (Paul Stokes, Jisc)
In this session, Paul Stokes will briefly go over the cycle of incurring and recovering RDM costs with a focus on monitoring the spending from grants. You will also have an opportunity to share your experience in this area and hear from others.
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