How to contribute

First off, you don't need to be a "member" or "subscribe" to make use of the Research Data Network advice, guidance, tools, and so on. All materials placed here are freely available to anyone and all events are open to all those who are interested in Research Data Management.

However, if you want to contribute to the discussions, suggest resources, tools, documents to include or suggest edits to existing materials you will need to register for a account. Registering is free and can be done "on the fly".

Registering allows to you to:

How to register


All Pages have a Log In link in the top right corner. To register, click on this link and select the sign up option. (if you try and post a comment before logging in the same dialogue appears).


Enter your details and click on Sign Up.

And that's all there is to it (apart from getting an email asking you to confirm your address). You can edit your "profile" at a future date by logging on with the same credentials on the web site.